So, it looks like we're moving. I know, I already said that but enough things have happened that I actually believe it's going to work: we're moving to London!
It's all very exciting. And a bit scary. We need to shift our wedding photography profile south and I'm not quite sure how to do it (suggestions that don't involve SEO or google adwords are gratefully accepted.) I have total faith that it's going to work out in time. As it stands we have a couple of 2013 weddings booked in London and a couple in Scotland, which is nice.
We're in a tricksy place at the moment where London couples don't know who we are and while we're still happy to travel to Scotland for weddings, there are travel costs involved which put some people off. So in the meantime, if you feel like telling everyone you know that two really nice, really good wedding photographers (that's us) are moving to London and would like to shoot weddings there and in Brighton and anywhere else in the area really (oh, and they like the south of France too. And all of Europe if they're honest) that would be lovely.
If it would help you could show them these, which are my favourite pictures from the first half of our wedding year. Maybe you'd like to look at them too? Some of them are rather nice.