Wednesday, November 05, 2008

A sigh of relief and tears of disappointment....

It hasn't quite sunk in for me what it means that Barack Obama won the American presidential election, it is bigger than I can take it. Big enough to make me cry into my dinner tonight as the delectable Jon Snow spoke to this girl on the news tonight.

Tears of rage also filled my eyes as I watched the results come in on Propositions 8 and 102 and Arkansas' Initiative 1 and any joy I may feel over the presidential victory is tempered by the passing of these enormous abuses of human rights. I don't have words for how angry and physically ill this makes me, but LGBTQ friends and those who stand by them, please know that in my household tonight anger and sadness beat any ability to celebrate.

Keep fighting. But god, I wish you didn't have to.


  1. thank you so much for your words & your support. it means so much.

  2. *sigh* No truer words, my lady. No truer words.

  3. but did you catch the silver lining in Obamas speech when he included "Gay" in his long list of voters.

    Something has to change...

    regardless of how people personally feel about marriage.
    Everyone in this country deserves the same rights...

  4. Hear hear. I will never again take for granted my right to get married. I appreciate how lucky I am that I live in a country that gives the same right to everyone, regardless of what gender the person they love happens to belong to.

    Who are these people who care so much about the personal lives of strangers they would seek to tell them who they can and can't make a legal declaration of commitment to?

  5. Wow, that video gave me goosebumps.

    Gutted about 8. The blogosphere has made me feel so personally involved with the issues and the people it affects. We are so very lucky to live in such a truly free country.

  6. I'm pleased that both the animal rights bills passed but as for the other propositions....grrrrr!

  7. Hopes dashed. It's hard to stomach this news - this week has been such an emotional rollercoaster.

  8. Proud to be an American at the moment, ashamed to be a Californian. Usually it is the other way 'round.

    California has such a powerful international reputation as a progressive, forward-thinking and open-minded state. We no longer deserve that reputation, I am sad to say.

    My greatest hope is that our new President will lead the whole nation in fighting for marriage equality.

  9. Though I feel that everyone has the right to happiness and no one has the right to legislate who marries who or what a woman does with her own body, I am more concerned with the sad fact that, once again, America was naive enough to buy into the lies of the Democtatic candidate as they did when Bill and Hillary got into the Whitehouse totally unprepared and unqualified. I would have thought that the country would have learned a lesson from that travesty. I think we are in for far greater problems in the next four years than marital rights!!!! God bless America- we are going to need it!

  10. I thought that this may interest you....It's progress (no, not nearly enough) but in baby steps...

    "Gays did win some victories yesterday. A new openly gay member of Congress, Jared Polis of Colorado, will go to the House in January. And thanks in part to the Cabinet, the group of elite gay political donors I wrote about recently, Democrats took the New York senate. The entire New York legislature is now in Democratic hands, and New York's governor, David Paterson, is one of the nation's most eloquent pro-marriage-equality representatives. He is also, by the way, African American. Perhaps he can help bridge the gap between gays and blacks that widened on Nov. 4."

  11. One step forward, two steps backwards. We will get there.

  12. I feel the same way. As a Californian voter I was so sad to see 8 pass but change is coming. 70% of voters under 30 voted no!


play nice.