Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Paper magic....

Paper cuts hurt my brain. So intricate, so detailed, so utterly incomprehensible to a girl who struggles with cutting straight lines.

These paper cuts by Hina Aoyama are just unbelievable. Literally. I look at my hands and I find it completely impossible to believe that someone made these things of beauty with nothing but a bit of paper, their hands and a tiny little pair of scissors. Me and my big ole sausage fingers are going off to cry in a corner, embarassed by our lack of grace and skill....

All images courtesy of Hina Aoyama and found via D Sharp Journal.


  1. I've never seen anything like that before - exquisite! how much patience would that take?!

  2. Someone does that by hand??? OMG...I can hardly believe it, the patience and concentration it must take! Does it make you feel any better that I to have trouble cutting in a straight line, and would never be able do attempt this either? Absolutely beautiful!

  3. Wow they are amazing!

  4. Oh, my, wow. The heron is my favorite!

  5. Right?! I would chop off my finger by accident and bleed over the whole thing.

  6. That is gorgeous. And amazing. Wow.

  7. these are so beautiful, they actually made me gasp! what an amazing find...

  8. Wow, that's amazing. I've never seen those before. Um, can I join you in the corner, hiding my hands in shame at not being able to even cut a straight line, either?

  9. this is seriously farking amazing...oops sorry-found you through P...amazingand i love your blog!

  10. Those are incredibly beautiful!

  11. Those are lovely! (oh and, um, your fingers are not even close to being sausage like)

  12. incredible. just incredible.

  13. O my. These are...astounding. By hand or cut with lasers? I can't even cut a straight line for pete's sakes. Thanks for sharing. These are beautiful.

  14. This is really a magic. I so excited to have this artsy idea for my wedding invitations. Very nice!

  15. Wow, they're beautiful. like you I could never imagine doing anything like that!

  16. these are unbelievable! some people are just so talented..

  17. Nah it just freaks me out!!!!! I get really nauseous when trying to do fine working like threading a needle or removing a splinter... Can't cope! Nauseous now... urghh...

  18. That is unbelievably beautiful! I in awe of this person's talent!

  19. Wow those are completely beautiful, I can't cut in a straight line either sigh...

  20. OH MY GOODNESS, that is incredible!!!

  21. I honestly don't see how that's possible. I mean HOW, HOW? I need video.....No I won't even believe video -- I'll just think it is some kind of David Copperfield magic trick.

  22. that's amazing! thanks for sharing this.

  23. Awe-inspiringly beautiful. It makes me happy that such things exist in the world.

  24. Such delicate fairyness beyond belief!
    I'm the kind that always ends up slicing more and more of something in an attempt to get it straight. Most annoying.. oh well.Feel like I have the most elephantine hands looking at that!


play nice.