Sunday, August 02, 2009

The Voyeur

what's your favourite word dearie
is it wee
I hope it's wee
wee's such a nice wee word
like a wee hairy dog
with two wee eyes
such a nice wee word to play with dearie
you can say it quickly
with a wee smile
and a wee glance to the side
or you can say it slowly dearie
with your mouth a wee bit open
and a wee sigh dearie
A wee sigh
put your wee head on my shoulder dearie
oh my
a great wee word
and scottish
it makes me proud.

. The Voyeur by Tom Leonard
. sun star #1 by sunlitrose

I thought that my last poem in my week of poems should be a happy one, or at least one that makes me smile. It was a challenge to find one I'll have you know, I like moving, emotional and downright depressing poems. The poetry equivalent of those 'whiny white boy songs' that I love but The Boy won't let me listen to.


  1. And quite lovely it is too dearie...

  2. I have loved reading your blog this week, such an original idea. I think i loved the blackberry poem the most- although this poem really made me smile too! Found loads of new poets to explore too- so thank you!

  3. A nice wee poem :P

    Have enjoyed poetry week!

    ps The best Scottish word is numpty imho. Also, haar. And quine, if used affectionately...

  4. cute :o)

    Love it!

    My favourite welsh word is Cwtch, it means to hug...but in a welshy way.

  5. what is it with boys not liking whiny emotional songs? ;-)

  6. My husband is the same way about my music. He calls it "sad bastard" music and I can't listen to it if he is on the house. or near the house. or in the car...

  7. I do love that word - funny how it makes me smile

  8. I haved loved the word wee ever since I was in Edinburgh!

  9. The poem and the photograph are quite lovely...they reflect each other so well.

  10. I wouldn't ever allow a partner dictate what I could listen to.

  11. I'd never read that one before. And, oh, how it makes me smile.


play nice.