Thursday, September 03, 2009

Be Normal

"Everyone, just.... pretend to be normal"

(Little Miss Sunshine, 2006)

. I might have uttered words not dissimilar to these recently as The Boy and I made our way down a hotel corridor to meet with one of my favourite ladies and her new husband.

. photo by Sacallage


  1. Oh, how I love that line. Thanks for reminding me. Great photo.

  2. those words are easier said than done...

  3. Awwwwwwwwwwww. You totally just made my day!!!! Big smile. That was such a good night. Vegitarian Haggis! And I didn't tell you, you guys helped me work up my nerve. I had real haggis the next night (And it was very very good. I don't care what anyone says.)

    Aw, normal. Who's normal anyway?

  4. Great line and an amazing photo.

  5. Best. Film. Ever.

    Next to the original Willy Wonka that is.

  6. He, he, he.

    Vegetarian haggis? I cannot believe such a thing exists. Twas surely a bluff?

  7. oh how i love that movie...and this shot is fantastic. very cute.

  8. On my first ever visit to Glasgow, it was the mister's birthday and I witnessed his first ever haggis. Deep-fried. It was scary. I think it was from Leo's?

    I am hoping we can just detail this post into being about haggis.

    Oh wait. Be normal. Whoops.

  9. i love this....makes me want to re-watch that movie.

  10. Nope Anna. Ubiquitous Chip. The Scottish Chez Pannisse. (Did I just make you hit up google?)

    Oops. Normal.

  11. Dude, I know what Chez Panisse is! Which might make me kind of sad.

    In all my time in Glasgow, we never went to Ubiquitous Chip. We were not that classy. We went to like, Leo's and Nice 'n' Sleezy's. God this discussion is making me crave greasy food. Good thing we registered for a deep fryer.

    Actually I myself never had haggis in Scotland. I've only eaten it in Oxford. I am officially lame.

  12. hehe... lovely photo. and normal's all relative, now isn't it?

  13. Normal is so overrated. Thanks for the smile.


play nice.