Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Small spaces

These pictures, along with this article, made vivid by memories of this holiday, combined with 1000 square feet of cold, rubble-strewn rooms have me longing for the smallest and cosiest of spaces to live in. Spaces where each object and each belonging is chosen with care for space is the commodity you have the least of. Spaces where relationships are closer, clutter is less and decisions are fewer.

* image of Elodie's apartment, by Elodie and via decor8


  1. lovely thoughts of the smaller space and simpler i would worry if he's under my feet all the time, would i snap?

  2. I agree. It is my goal that when I do finally buy some house or apartment or whatever, I'm going to try to buy as small as possible to challenge myself to creative solutions. And yes, clutter is less, and much more relieving!

  3. Hey, french books ! And not bad ones, "La nuit des temps" and "Ravages" by Barjavel are great... ;-)

    Love her parisian flat...

  4. Bunny sculpture! I've been lusting over one that's similar at a gallery near my apartment.

  5. Small spaces is all we have known. We currently inhabit 46.5 square meters (500 square feet) and I LOVE it. There are four of us (me, husband, roommate and dog) and it works quite well, I can't imagine anything else. I like being close to my boy.

  6. my husband and i got married and moved from the kind of giant & beautiful apartment one can only find in a small town to a teeny teeny studio in london. and i'd take the small space any day. there's less shouting when one is in the middle of something and wants help. there's a different connecting. and our little vintages and objects are no longer cluttered but curated in a way. you are quite right, it's much cozier.

  7. I do love how I feel when I come and visit your blog. So peaceful and calm. And that cottage-oh wow!

  8. love the flamingo paper

  9. Really nice perspective in this shot!

  10. I love a small space. Cozy and light. Thank you!

  11. I am a fan of cozy spaces, big or small. And definitely a fan of less clutter. Which is something I am working on every day but it never seems to get any better...

  12. I am all for small spaces. I live in a small space. But when/if you have a BABY and it starts running around, you will thank your motherfucking lucky stars for your thousand. sq/ft. Trust me.

  13. Thanks for the link.. yes I love small spaces. though after living in a cottage I am really struggling with the thought of returning to an apartment even if it's around the same square footage it's a totally different feeling.

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