Tuesday, January 05, 2010

A year in pictures, i

a. january

A birthday, a greenhouse, a gift that opened eyes and hearts and windows.

Blue chill light, cold adorned fingers, togetherness.

A stone monkey and motherhood shrouded.



  1. You KNOW my feelings about your photos... (Although? Motherhood shrouded? How many times can a single heart break?) So all I'll say is, I'm putting in my order for my 2011 calendar now.

    Love you, love your work. xx

  2. So serene and touching, you've brightened up my day :)

  3. Gorgeous ... really lovely ...

  4. love the silvery white light - gorgeous

  5. beautiful. your pictures are amazing.

  6. Love.

    Beautiful shot of your hands. (I don't think I've ever seen your rings before.)

    I'll sit behind agirl in line for a calendar. ;)

  7. the header is fantatstico! as are january's pictures, of course. especially the second one. :)

  8. soo pretty! happy new year.

  9. GORGEOUS! Especially loving that second pic--the colors are breathtaking.

    And I didn't think I was cool enough for man glasses either, but you get used to it! The trick is to try on a bunch of REALLY HUGE ones, so then by contrast the sorta huge ones look normal ;)

  10. i remember your year in pictures from last year too! serene is the right word for your photos.

  11. That monkey needs a smooch.

    Is the mama from the Louvre? I saw some lovely shrouded sculptures there. They were hiding in a peeky room. She is lovely.

  12. love the pictures and love LOVE the linen pig in previous post

    I was "bloghopping" and came across your blog. I'd love for you and any of your readers to participate in my very first Blog Swap!

    check it out:


  13. congratulations!
    WONDERFUL pics.

  14. Oh how I wish I wish I wish we could afford to whisk you and The Boy out here to sunny SoCal for our wedding next October, your photos are just so lovely, and you are so sweet! In the meantime, please put me on the list for the Calendar too. XO

  15. I love all of what you do, P. All of it. (There was a gap in time here between my first comment and this one, but the computer's battery went dead right as I was typing - all that is lost, so nevermindthat - and then had to make dinner and... well, here I am to finish what I intended to write the first time I visited.) It's all so beautiful... I can't wait to see more of this series. So simple, yet incredibly evocative. What a lovely way to revisit a year. Thank you.



play nice.