Wednesday, February 17, 2010

flit, float, flee, fly

As if I wasn't feeling all misty eyed enough about the whole valentine's swap thing, Jamie had to go and make a flight map of all that love flitting and fleeing all over the globe and now my heart's all swollen and fluttery. Fly over to Amanda's blog to see it all super huge and follow just what went where.

* I'm thinking that next year we need to add a few more continents? yes?


  1. Very pleased you hade many hearts on your journey from/to Cardiff, we aim to please :-D

    (really enjoy the blog by the way!)

  2. I'd like to see you in Saint-Petersburd, Russia. It doesn't pretend to be another continent, but still is another civilization.

  3. i have to admit, it was nice to be one of those few outlier dots!

  4. I think you definately need another one in Australia. Tasmania looks a little bit lonely *wink* *wink*

  5. i saw this and started weeping at my desk. joe thought i was a lunatic...

  6. Yay. The more continents the better, says me.

  7. When i grow up I definitely want to be one of those dots. Goodness me.

    And I love the website redesign. Really beautiful. And you both look gorgeous on your photo's!

  8. Canada would be a nice addition. We are quite a friendly and creative people who love things that come in the mail.

  9. Late to party but yes please, I eagerly voluteer Africa! xo


play nice.