Friday, February 26, 2010

Heavenly Delights {reposted}

The following conversation was observed on my aunt's flickr page a few weeks after our wedding....

Aunt A: If you look closely you can see the red shoes peeking out under her wedding dress. She wasn't going to buy them because they were really expensive but I told her they were an investment, like a sculpture. I'm so glad she listened to her Auntie A.

Unidentified Flikr Friend: What a good influence you are!

Aunt A: No pockets in a shroud, as Granny Peonies used to say

Unidentified Flickr Friend: Your granny a fan of the old Monolos was she?


  1. Amazing. Definitely a good investment.

  2. Fabulous. Everyone should have such an aunt (and such an unidentified friend).

  3. No pockets in a shroud. I effing love it.

  4. Ye make me glad I'm Sottish-American, ye do.

  5. I loved this one. It made me crack up then, and I giggled again today.

    Please tell me you still wear those amazing shoes (even if it's just while you sit at the computer editing photos).

  6. I love those shoes, so cute!

  7. Curse you, Peonies! I need these:

    (sadly, I already bought my shoes and they are not nearly as fabulous as yours)

  8. The idea of red shoes with a wedding dress is just brilliant.

  9. I like your Auntie.

    But forever in my mind I'd prefer to think your shoes are a very bright and brilliant shade of fuchsia.

  10. Very cute and those shoes are amazing!


play nice.