Thursday, September 23, 2010

doubts over breakfast

P: "I read that we should practise 'being the babies' and asking ourselves all sorts of questions about our lives in utero. I tried it but it freaked me out."

N: looks up from his breakfast and raises one eyebrow

P: "One of the questions was 'are all of my movements greeted with joy?' ....
Sometimes I swear at them when they kick me. I'm failing already."

N: with mouth full of breakfast "no you're not."

P: "but what if I don't love them enough?"

N: not even bothering to look up from the toast he's buttering "Rubbish. Look how much you love the rabbit and he doesn't even like you."

P: ".....true."


  1. ha ha this really made me laugh, reminds me of myself!

  2. I want to press a "like" button for this!

  3. Priceless! I think raising children should be like raising bunnies.

  4. amazing. this will make me smile all day.

  5. <3

    I've always maintained that the same basic methods should be used on both pets and children. Positive reinforcement for good behaviour, negative reinforcement only directly connected to misbehaviour, unconditional love, and an understanding of the cognitive limitations of the creature in question. I haven't yet had a chance to test this theory, though...

  6. I doubt them kicking you in the ribs is the last thing they'll do to make you (want to) swear at them. You're probably right on track.

  7. Darling girl, lack of love is unlikely to be a problem for you:).

  8. i don't knowwwwwww. i mean. they arn't going to be all furry. and they aren't going to have floppy ears. and sometimes, you know, the less something likes you the more you yearn for it's affection and you like all him that much more.


  9. Lol!! You'll be fine my dear! This post did make me laugh though ;)

  10. thoughts would be the same. (and i would totally curse as they kicked my bladder or rib)

  11. I can tell that bunny likes you.

  12. @danae srsly? THIS IS NOT FACEBOOK.

  13. I'm with Nye on that raised eyebrow. What have you been reading?!

  14. are all movements met with joy? what does that even mean? ffs. i get slightly annoyed by mine...feels like uncontrollable wind. don't read these books, they are bad for your mental health.

  15. Oh sweet jesus. Baby books must be scary. If your babies come out asking questions like that, you might not end up liking them at all. I say don't encourage that type of thinking in utero because all their movements outside are certainly NOT going to be greeted with joy (just wait till they start headbutting you) and you don't want them starting out thinking they will be.

  16. I love that Rabbit picture. It somehow makes me so happy, even if he doesn't look that happy :)

  17. That's so funny, you two will be awesome parents. You are to the rabbit right?!! xx

  18. that's a perfect effing sum-up for the crazy-*ss shit we're always being told about parenting, right?

    I mean, some of my movements as a kid were met with smacks on the bottom, and I turned out just fine ;)

    If you had an exactly button, I'd push it.

  19. N is way smarter than that baby book. (But you knew that.)

  20. @eastside doesn't mean i can't like it :) [this is good] was around a loong time before facebook picked up on it.

  21. I agree, rubbish! You are going to be a fabulous mother!! I don't even know you but I get good feelings just reading your blog, you will be just great!!

  22. I busted out laughing.

  23. I think what I'd be asking is: "is my mom a smart enough lady to swear at something that kicks her in the damn belly?" And I would hope the answer would be yes.
    You and N are going to be juuuust fine.

  24. Love this... I came to a similar conclusion a few years back. Me and my mother are estranged – and I've always had a worry about how you love a 'difficult' child (which is apparently what I was!) And my OH pointed out that our grey cat is half feral, hisses at people, etc etc and I absolutely adore her. It's a nice thing to realise – that that kind of love is/can be unconditional.


play nice.