Friday, November 18, 2011

Plan F

Every so often we talk about a career change,for wayyyyy in the future one day. Nye's mum think that we should open a vegetarian restaurant in their village in France. Because the French are famously receptive to both vegetarianism and British cooking. 


  1. It might work, if by "vegetarian" you mean "consisting entirely of cheese". Which is the closest you can really get to vegetarian in France. God help you if you serve cheddar, though.

  2. Hey, we would visit you restaurant for sure, it so hard being veggie in France.
    We spend summer every year in France and have done for the last 10 years, they still look at us like we are bonkers
    I love your blog , you make me laugh out loud, thank you .

  3. Ohhh vegetarian restaurant in France, I would come for sure.
    But, well, ratatouille is a typical french veggie dish. And as long as it's not vegan you are going for, there is still plenty of choice!

  4. a. One of the most beautiful pieces of food photography I've ever seen.
    b. California, on the other hand, would love the damn hell out of that concept. I mean, we already do Peruvian and Korean French hipster and Chairman Bao.

  5. I once asked in a restaurant in france if they had anything vego and they brought me a plate of asparagus wrapped in bacon. hand. forehead. *s*

  6. Ha ha, love it! Yup, France does not get veggie-ness unless by veggie you mean cheese and ham! ;)

  7. This made me laugh out loud.


play nice.