Monday, December 03, 2012


Next week I'm getting on a plane, with toddlers, two toddlers. Just me and two toddlers. I don't like getting on planes at the best of times (I'm not scared of them, they just smell bad and they're uncomfortable and the whole thing takes sooooooooo looooooooooong and I can't afford the good seats.) me, alone with two toddlers is not the best of times.

How do I entertain two toddlers for 2 hours? Two toddlers who do not like sitting still unless there's awful tv to watch and I don't have any devices for watching awful tv on the move so please don't suggest awful tv. 

The wise Christine suggested sticky plasters (band aids) to unwrap and stick. And Celia is all about the snacks which I think might be a goer, seeing as they're not allowed unscheduled snacks the rest of the time (we're very French/mean like that.) Between snacks and sticky plasters I think we've got about 15 minutes covered. What else have you got? 

Also, do I sit between them so they don't fight, on the aisle so they can't escape? Or do I sit by the window and order a glass of wine, trusting that the doors are locked and they can't go anywhere? Dilemmas. 

*I'm sorry, I don't have a credit but the picture was too good not to use. I imagine it's from a shiny fashion magazine, the kind I won't get to read on the plane. 
UPDATE: image is by Helmut Newton, thanks Mr T


  1. snacks, sticker books and colouring books just got me through 2x 17 hour international flights and a total of about 12 hours in domestic flights (not to mention airport waiting times and transfers).

    I did only have one child though. And I had a support person. GOOD LUCK! x

    1. 2x17 + 12 hours of flights. You're my hero.

  2. Pens and paper. That'll kill a fair bit of time. Also, you have an iPhone right? Stick some of these on it: Bon voyage, it'll be fine :)

    1. I do! Thank you. I'm not quite sure how to handle two kids and one iphone, but it's worth a shot. Maybe I should get a second one?

  3. Definitely sticker books (e.g. Peppa Pig if they like that kind of thing). Seen elsewhere an idea for buying cheap little toys and wrapping them up as mini presents then doling out at intervals. Also if your phone has enough memory you might be able to save the media files of Youtube versions of kiddie tv episodes then watch them back on phone in plane-safe mode. Good luck!

    1. Yes, I'm thinking tv character stickers might get a few minutes of attention! And the youtube thing is a really good idea.

  4. Tranquillisers, for you?! Hmm, seriously though (and more usefully), I have bookmarked this for the future: It seems that talking about planes beforehand and packing new toys to bring out at tense moments is a winner. As well as snacks, always snacks.

    I just travelled on a train from Edinburgh to Inverness with a 10 month old and a parrot (a sweary parrot at that). Snacks were key for keeping the baby happy (and the parrot, coincidentally, to keep swearing at a bare minimum). I'd avoid sugary snacks - stick to rice cakes, fruit, etc, because what could be worse than having them pumped up on sugar in a confined area! I found that most people were surprisingly understanding as well. Unless you're unlucky and sat near some right knobs. Which, fingers crossed won't happen.

    1. You did what? You have a sweary parrot? That's AMAZING.

    2. i second the tranqs! and you are a goddess, my giant, pink, sweary parrot once chewed her way out of the cat carrier she was stored under my seat in & took off running up the aisle screaming "OW OW OW HELPPPPP". i'd never bring her on a plane again, let alone with my child

    3. Yes. We transport the parrot in a cat carrying case when we travel (and always get mental looks from people). She's got a wide reportoire of swear words, her favourites being "fu-cock" (a combination of two offensive words that she put together all by herself) and the classic "f*cking sh*t". This one mostly comes out when we have parents round. We do say nice things to her but she only ever picks up on the bad (and we're not that sweary). Heaven help our daughter.

  5. Go with a wide variety of snacks in different baggies, and pull out as needed. I saved the really popular snacks for takeoff and landing, so that my toddler was completely distracted-- she didn't much care for the plane's descent/landing, but gummy bears are so exciting to her (she NEVER gets them from me) that she completely forgot what was happening around her.

    As everyone else has suggested, coloring, stickers, etc. Games on your iPhone. My girl also really enjoyed reading and re-reading the magazines on the plane, but that's her thing. I would suggest sitting on the aisle as looking out the window and talking about what was out there also occupied some of our time.

    We also took our favorite stuffed animal/lovey, because showing Bunny things also ate up another few minutes.

    You'll be fine!

    1. :) Yes, I think Big Bunny and Little Bunny might like to look out the window. And ohmygod, gummy bears!

  6. Yes to you sitting on the aisle, hemming them in a bit. They'll squirm and at least on the tarmac, looking out the window is great. I got through a 21-ish hour flight alone with an 18-month-old (who did not care for TV, darn it) a year ago. I know it sounds crazy, but I brought playdough on my last flight with the 2 year old (one tub, ONE colour) and it went down a treat for about 15-20 minutes. I could make new things for him and somehow it didn't end up the smooshed up mess you'd think. Those tray tables were perfect playdough tables.

    I've got nothing else no one else has said. Allow lots of time for check in etc. Getting to the gate early so they can watch the plane getting loaded and all that.

    oh and if you don't allow juice normally, some watered down apple juice on take off/landing in spill-free cups is good for popping little ears and makes you a total hero.

    I say yes to a little wine for you if someone is on hand at the other side to help you manage kiddos out of the airport.

  7. My mother would swear by tranqs. She called them "air sickness tablets" and they were non-negotiable in her eyes. Despite the fact that neither my sister nor I were ever, ever motion sick. Drug 'em up. Out of love, obviously.

  8. I don't have any experience in this area AT ALL, but I remember this lovely blogger wrote a post all about it here:

    Good luck! xo

  9. My nephew is a little ball of energy that can't sit still for 2 minutes, like most 2 year olds. But when his family came over for dinner I gave him homemade playdough & a couple plastic cookie cutters & that seemed to keep him occupied for a while.

  10. Yes, to cheap toys they haven't seen before. This is what I do with F. I get a good five minutes out of him unwrapping it and then another 20 mins or so of him working out what it is. He also loves pressing the button that turns the overhead light on and off. Also yes to sticker books and snacks, I hold off on giving him food right before the flight so he's ready to eat when we get on. And I always sit on the aisle, then they can see out the window and watch the suitcases being loaded, the clouds etc. We'll be flying the same day, I shall be thinking of you!

  11. perhaps this will help! best of luck to you :)

  12. At the toy store I used to work at we had great results recommending finger puppets.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. We firmly believe and have extensive experience in the use of bribes in extreme situations of parenting. I don't know if your girls are familiar with bribes, but mine was at age 2 and a bit (thank you granny) and when used very very sparingly, bribes can have amazing results. You must make a bit of a song and dance about it, some special story etc. and you will have to repeat key points during the flight itself - and of course have snacks and drinks and storybooks and maybe a story via headphones etc. at the ready. But the promise of some reward afterwards can work magic. I hope.

  15. The picture is by Helmut Newton (shiny fashion magazin indeed!):
    Also, traveling with toddlers: just sit it out. You'll survive one way or the other... and as a reward you (hopefully) arrive at a beautiful place! Don't stress.
    One advice: put your passports + tickets in a place where you can reach for them easily.

  16. That photo is perfect. I literally laughed out loud, all by myself in the coffee shop.

  17. Your expectations are soooo low of the flight, that it will be an absolute breeze! No, really I speak from experience.

    Lots of things already covered that I would have suggested, but I also had lollipops (the hard boiled sweet variety - the ones you remove from party bags as they are the devils work and extremely dangerous to furnishings, car interiors, hair, oh and falling over with when running) for take off and landing. These were an absolute essential to stave off earache for my kids.

    You have child leashes for them in the airport?

    Bon voyage.

  18. Comment got eaten so apologies if this pops up twice...
    (Gummy sweets, no gelatine).

    Hope it all goes well!

    I'm travelling from Australia to London today with four month old, sans husband. I'm focussing on the end goal: family and twinkly lights.

  19. pipe cleaners and zip lock bags. sounds simple but there is an amazing amount to get out of them... put then in the bag, take then out, make things, unmake things, give them, take them away.... it's maybe 15 minutes, but 15 if a lot with a toddler!

  20. pipe cleaners and zip lock bags. sounds simple but there is an amazing amount to get out of them... put then in the bag, take then out, make things, unmake things, give them, take them away.... it's maybe 15 minutes, but 15 if a lot with a toddler!

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. I bought pipe cleaners. Pipe cleaners might save the day.

  21. Cellphones with simple games perhaps? or a book with lots of fun pictures.

  22. how about a bag of tricks like this (making you're own bag not compulsory though!)

    1. I have a bag of tricks. It's packed in a tesco carrier bag though.

  23. Great ideas... I am getting on a plane with a 21 month old toddler in a couple of weeks and flying to NZ. Yes, NZ! It will take 29 hours to get there. I am terrified! It is just me and my baby...

  24. You're welcome!
    I hope the flight went well, and Nye arrived savely too. Can't wait to hear the story!

  25. I know you already made the trip, but number 24 on this list made me think of you!


play nice.