Thursday, January 31, 2013

The end.

Let's leave aside illness and bereavement for a moment and focus on what else this first month of the year has had to offer. January 2013 has been the month that:

  • I fell down the stairs. Top to bottom. I've always liked to imagine that I am the sort of person who if I had a proper injury I would remain calm about it, telling whoever was nearby that I was in a lot of pain and needed an ambulance please. I'm not. I fell down some carpeted stairs, bruising my coccyx and cutting my elbow, and I screamed. Then I sobbed like a baby, pressing my face into Nye's chest and gasping 'I fell. I fell. I fell.' Self-image: shattered. I was fine, I just couldn't sit down very easily for a couple of weeks. My bum still hurts actually. I also really freaked out Ella who is still urging me: 'carefoo mama, faw down stairs. Ouchie' three weeks later. For additional points: I was carrying the bathroom bin when I slipped. As I bumped down the stairs on my arse then collided with the bikes at the bottom, a shower of damp smelly nappies rained down on my head, some of them containing day-old shit.

  • (Speaking of shit.) Ammie discovered her own poo, and what fun it is to dig it out of her nappy at nap time and throw it around. Then she pushed her explorations further and dabbled in a little smeering, on her own head. And tasting. Now she takes naps in a romper suit with the buttons done up the back. Beat that kiddo. She also discovered wallpaper stripping, although to be fair she had some help from her sister with that endeavour. There is precisely one room in the house that didn't need repainted when we moved in. Now it needs wallpapered.

  • my ankles got so badly bitten by fleas and I scratched those bites so hard that they now look like they have chickenpox and probably will do for the foreseeable future. ( DON'T SCRATCH YOUR BITES CHILDREN.)

  • After a couple of years of deliberation I invested in a pair of waterproof, felt-lined Sorel snow boots, aware of the fact that having just left the Scottish Highlands for London, the window in my life where I needed snow boots was probably over. Three days later it started snowing, heavily. The snow lay and lay and lay until it compressed into sheet ice (WHY DON'T THEY HAVE GRITTERS IN LONDON?) and then melted into sloppy slush. The snow boots didn't arrive. My feet got very very cold. I'm still waiting for them to show up.

On the upside:

  • it was my birthday, I was 28 and I almost exclusively got booze, chocolate and booze-flavoured chocolate. And when Nye asked me what I wanted to do I said 'take me to the garden centre and buy me a plant..' Middle age is delightful.

As good as my birthday was this year it's really not going to make up for the (literal) shit storm that was the rest of the month. So let's all join together in wishing January 

GOOD FUCKING RIDDANCE. (And why don't you take this time out to a good long think about your behaviour. I want to see a total change in your attitude by the time you come back, OKAY?) 


  1. Oh my dear! What a month... and ouch!!! Yes and good advice to January indeed!! (And happy birthday again!) x

  2. wow that was a lot of poo. even for you.

    1. I'm choosing to hear that said with a note of admiration.

  3. but yes, good riddance! and happy birthday!!

  4. Long time reader, first time commenter.
    Just stopping by to say HELL YES, good f*cking riddance to January. We've spent the past week without running water because the City of NY decided to plant a tree in front of our building and somehow managed to crush our water main in the process.

    Anyways, I love reading your blog, your sense of wry humor and kickass photos are a treat any time you update. Here's hoping February is much more kind to you and your arse.

    1. Thank you. And god, no running water is the WORST.

  5. you are so funny!! I mean I'm glad you are ok, but damn you have a funny way of retelling you Shit. Happy Birthday.

  6. 28 is SO not middle age…but happy belated birthday anyway!

    1. (It was a joke, based on my gifts and birthday desire to go to a garden centre.)

  7. Happy Birthday - don't know how I missed that since I pretty much follow you everywhere (in the social media sense of course) You deserve a pretty epic year ahead of you. Don''t worry about doing any decorating until your children start school, it will be a waste of time and money til then. Just buy more houseplants. And use that VSCO Cam app that makes everything look perfect.

  8. That was hilariously ... tragic. I have an irrational fear of falling down our stairs. I guess I now know the fear is not so irrational. Hope you heal up quick, & happy birthday. BTW, I'm 38. I'm middle-aged. You are not. P.S. Yes, good riddance to the God of Illness that took residence at our house during January. So looking forward to a fresh month!

  9. commiserations on the bottom bumping. A damaged coccyx can take months to stop feeling bruised as there's so little blood flow to your tail bone (not trying to make you feel worse there!) - I recommend seeing an osteopath if you find it doesn't seem to be healing as you'd like as they can fracture (as mine did birthing a stuck 10lb baby).
    I love your twin tales - my son has just turned one so I always head warnings of the sort of hijinks he may get up to in future!

    1. Thank you, I might do that if it's still hurting in a couple of weeks.

  10. well HAPPY FUCKING BIRTHDAY to you! :-)

    not going to lie, a child playing with poo is my worst effing nightmare. seriously. I nanny for a friend of mine, and I told her before I started that should something like that EVER happen, I am calling her and she'd better show up straightaway and clean it up, because I will not scrub poo out of someone else's child's hair and/or my furniture and wall. WORST NIGHTMARE, I TELL YOU.

    sorry about all the rest of it, too. february has GOT to be better. for ALL OF US.

  11. Ahem, Anthropologie jacket ... nice (largeish) dress and cardie ...

    1. I said *almost*! I got lots of other things but they didn't do much to serve my middle-aged joke, which no one got anyway.

  12. happpy birrthday. and may feb be less shitty. oh yeah, see what i did there? no pun intended.

  13. We have something in common-not the bruised coccyx or birthday!!! I have twin girls born 5th November 2010 also.

  14. eee,i know shit happens, but that is a crappy start to the year. onwards and upwards!! I bought myself a blender for my 30th...not sure who wins. happy birthday!

  15. It can only get better, yes?! Err I asked for a cake stand (wtf??!!) Christmas before last if that makes you feel any better?...happy birthday too!

  16. Oh god that sounds shitty (literal, figurative)
    And your poor bum - kiddo bruised my tailbone on the way out and it was not fun.

    Take care of yourself
    Enjoy your birthday booze
    Bring on Feb

  17. And tasting? Please tell me that's not a thing that really happens?

    1. I don't think it happens often, only with really adventurous kids. She only did it once so I'm guessing it tasted pretty bad. Just a hunch.

  18. Happy belated birthday. Chocolate and cake always help.
    I am sorry that you fell, I hope all your pain will be gone soon.
    The discoveries of Ella and Ammie are always fascinating. -February is finally here, and spring is coming. I even saw flowers in bloom already.

  19. What was that quote I sent you? Dispair and feces? <3 <3 <3 I love you.

  20. I'm glad January is over with, if only for your sake! Here's hoping your February is much better! :)


play nice.