Thursday, June 06, 2013

Little Bunny.

Little Bunny new, Little Bunny after six months of being Ammie's Little Bunny. 

My mum is on a mission to replace old Little Bunny with new Little Bunny. I'm torn. On the one hand, old Little Bunny is revolting, even Ammie has started calling him Smelly Little Bunny (he really does smell. She chews his ears all day, they don't dry, he stinks.) On the other hand, I'd like her to learn that we don't stop loving our friends just because they've got old and ugly and have started harbouring diseases. It's tricky.

So far Operation Usurper is going exactly as one might have predicted; Ammie is delighted about having two bunnies. At least one of them doesn't smell like wet band aids, I guess that's a start.


  1. Ah this is a tricky one. My daughter has big mr elephant and little mr elephant and as long as one is available the other can be quickly washed on a boil cycle to reduce bacteria build up. My son had a manky old horse that he dragged everywhere but now at 4 he no longer needs Harry Horse quite the way he used to so I can forsee a day when he might disappear from our lives altogether.......

  2. You've heard about transitional objects, yes? She probably won't entirely reject old bunny now, which is perfectly normal (sorry about the smell). I guess you can still try, though.

  3. I've had my teddy bear since I was born. We used to tie her up in a pillow case and toss her in the washer and dryer and she'd be good as new and smell so good! Would Ammie go for that?

    1. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That picture above, that's Little Bunny on the right just having been through the washing machine. He smells a bit better but he looks just as terrible as always.

    2. Did you try adding OxyClean or similar? It has really helped with my daughter's lovey type objects.

  4. Smelly Little Bunny.

    I have twice washed a stinky pig friend with fine results.
    (We all of us get a little stinky from time to time.)

  5. New bunny is to old bunny, like Skipper is to Barbie. I mean, sure. It was always nice to HAVE a Skipper, but it wasn't the point. That is probably a both anti-feminist and american analogy.

    Transitional objects, #TEAMOLDBUNNY

  6. Silly 'Gan' thought Ammie might be fooled into thinking Bubby had scrubbed up well in the washing machine - naïve, I know. There was never any thought that she would or should swap old Bubby for a nice shiny model. That would just be really silly.

    1. I thought she might be fooled too! Or maybe just hoped she would. New Bunny is so nice compared to Old Bunny.

  7. p.s. Small bunny rabbit:

    1. I opened the link, took one look at Animal in chains, and closed it again. Too sad, can't watch, can't make me.

  8. Was old bunny once white?

    1. yup. That picture is literally a before and after, old bunny looked EXACTLY the same as new bunny 6 months ago. In Ammie's defence, Mamas and Papas' little bunnies DO NOT wear well.

  9. Aw, old little bunny has so much character.

  10. Aw, I love old bunny, but then I don't have to smell old bunny so that might make it easier to love old bunny. TWO BUNNIES!

  11. Washing machine?? Old bunny will still be raggedy, but not smelly, one hopes.

  12. Is old bunny the old bunny from me? Or is that a different one?

    I'm buying a new white bunny for Pip so that he can be there in case current white bunny gets lost. Although he does seem to wash very nicely in the washing machine and come back quite white.

  13. spray old bunny with some watered down vinegar and let him sit out in the sun for a day. then try giving him a wash with some baking soda in the water. that should neutralize the smell and kill bacteria, too. old bunny is perfect the way he is... just needs a little hygiene control.

  14. We have at last count five little bunnies and two big bunnies - AKA "stunt" bunnies.
    Apart from occasionally uncovering a quiescent bunny in the wash basket, so far kiddo hasn't seemed to twig.
    However I keep putting them in the wash with coloureds and they've all taken on slightly different shades of blue/grey-ish or yellow-ish. The gig will soon be up.

  15. We have at last count five little bunnies and two big bunnies - AKA "stunt" bunnies.
    Apart from occasionally uncovering a quiescent bunny in the wash basket, so far kiddo hasn't seemed to twig.
    However I keep putting them in the wash with coloureds and they've all taken on slightly different shades of blue/grey-ish or yellow-ish. The gig will soon be up.


play nice.