Friday, April 03, 2009

An English wedding....

Ingredients for a perfectly English wedding.....

A country house. Modest but beautiful and with an Austen worthy history. Perhaps used in the 1700s to control a pair of daughters who had been disgracing the family name with their antics in London society?

Unexpected weather. Sunshine in February, gales in July. It doesn't matter.

Wellies, of course. Hunters if one wants to do it properly. (And what could be more English than doing it properly?)

Gardens. It simply wouldn't work without beautiful gardens.

A sense that all was done with the greatest of ease. A sense that everything is done with the greatest of ease

Headwear. Spectacular headwear.

A groom who blushes when complimented and a bride who gives the most gracious and eloquent of speeches.

Guests that dance with joyous abandon but never, ever fall over.

Cheese. The stinkier the better. Real champagne.


Croquet on the lawn, top hats, floral tea cups, morning suits and pastel outfits with matching hats are not necessary for an air of effortless Englishness.

Photographs by The Boy and I, aka Lillian and Leonard Wedding Photography. See the rest here.


  1. Oh my gosh, that dress looks like it was gorgeous! I love the silver boots.

    Also, your writing is pretty wonderful :)

  2. Your photographs are beautiful, I love the silver wellies :)

  3. Beautiful.

    My hunter wellies are purple. I don't think I can justify 2 pairs or I would be looking for those silver ones!



  5. Peonies, I think that you and The Boy must take the most stunningly breathtakingly gorgeous wedding photos that ever graced the earth. I hope this bride and groom cherish your part in their day for many many years. They'll be family heirlooms I'm sure.

  6. Holy cow! Amazing photos! You and The Boy are so incredibly talented! Is it fair that that much beautiful talent resides in one couple??!?!?

  7. SILVER wellies?!? Sigh ...

    I think all I can manage of that here in Cali is some stinky cheese. But we do intend to have that.

  8. Gorgeous Pics. Wonderful gold shoes.xxxxKittykoos

  9. When I caught the first glimpse of these visuals, I thought, oh it must be some million dollar celeb wedding for sure, with million dollar photographers... You guys would've been worth it if you were.

  10. Awsome. I saw your photograph blog last week and I fell in love with this wedding and with your style. I just love it.

  11. I must have those Hunter wellies. I must.

  12. Oh my gosh. Those pics... Seriously, I literally physically felt something tug at my heart as I caught sight of them. I love my wedding, but my oh my if I were doing it again.......

  13. The line up of shoes is pretty special!


play nice.