Friday, April 03, 2009

Inviting the crazy....

Call me crazy and slap me with a wet fish but I've changed my settings to allow anonymous comments again.

Since finding out that my comment form is essentially prohibiting some of my favourite non-Blogger bloggers and non-bloggers from commenting I've decided that opening up to the various degrees of insane that people are encouraged to unleash when they are 'anonymous' is worth the risk if it tempts back the non-Blogger bloggers and non-bloggers.

Even though you can now be anonymous, I'd really rather that you weren't, if you don't mind. I like names (even fake ones), they lend an air of validity to your views (even if they're silly).

(And pssst, just so you know - just because no one knows your name doesn't mean that the universe can't send bad juju your way if you're mean. The universe is clever like that.)


  1. all of the trolls will spill out from under the bridge now.... ;p

  2. Ahhhh Beautiful Peonies!... I stop by every day and always flit away with a smile...thank you for making it easier to, well...thank you, and to share my little happy dances. I hope all is well and that you and your Boy are having a grand time with cameras, bunnies and breathtakingly beautiful things! Big smiles and again, many thanks!

  3. I am back! Commenting away on your blog which is one of my very favorite!

  4. I don't like trolls, but I like the occasional wicked anonymous prod. Maybe I'm a masochist...

  5. Bad juju... Love it!

  6. This wedding sounds like a dream, or a painting in my bathroom when I'm old.

  7. I will proudly give you my name on the conditions that you promise not to stalk.




  8. I will proudly give you my name on the conditions that you promise not to stalk.





play nice.