Thursday, October 08, 2009

wild things

hullo chickens, sorry I've been gone. I have a broken husband you see, and a lot to do. And a bathroom that doesn't work and a head that's slightly fuzzy. And whenever I stop working (and sometimes when I start) (and occasionally in the middle)- a tailspin of panic. So, I've been working. Working working working. Working so much that I worked right through an appointment that I've been waiting 21 months for and didn't realise until 5 days later. Whoops. I also forgot to blog, or answer emails or, well pretty much do anything.

Poor broken husband isn't faring too well either. He busted his knee, it hurts, it makes him grumpy (although he's doing an admirable job at pretending it doesn't make him grumpy) and aside from 2 hours at the hospital he hasn't left the house for 10 days. On the upside... I'm a jumpy kind of a girl and it doesn't matter if he enters a room slowly or quickly, quietly or loudly, while my back's turned or while I'm facing the door, the sudden appearance of my husband in a room that I've been alone in for more than 5 minutes scares the crap out of me. But not this week! He can hardly leave he sofa and when he does he has to lean on a broom handle to walk. What with the clunk clunk clunk the bugger's not going to be sneaking up on me any time soon.

In other, completely unrelated, news. Don't you love love love the trailer for Where the Wild Things Are*? It's booful. And have you seen Away We Go? It's funny. Very. And did you know that Battlestar Gallactica isn't sci fi boy crap but is actually terribly good? (Um, yeah, I've been spending all that time that I've been not blogging and not answering emails watching sci fi boy crap on the sofa with my husband)

* can you believe that I'd never heard of Where the Wild Things Are until husband mentioned it to me a few years ago? Before you write off my childhood as entirely deprived of literary culture and learning though, bear in mind that by the age of 8 I could recite this great work of genius by heart. I still can.


  1. tonight i'm making pizza and eating it while watching away we go on my couch!

  2. I want to see Away We much

    and Where the Wild Things Are

    (it helps that I love Arcade Fire which is the music for one of the trailers)

  3. I think I rambled for days after seeing Away We Go, about how much I loved it.

    I love your new banner thingy, it's booful as you would say.

  4. the trailer for Wild Things brings me chills - it is breathtaking! i can't wait to see it!!

    and i adored Away We Go. it was hilarious and heart-warming.

    p.s. that poem got a good chuckle out of me. that is so funny that you learned it at age 8!!

  5. I LOVED Away We Go too, made me laugh and cry lots!

  6. Hope the broken husband gets better soon. I like the new header on the blog (is it new or am I really slow?).

  7. I can't WAIT to see 'Wild Things' -I'm in love with the trailer, it makes me feel giddy. And I spent a good ten minutes yesterday studying photos on the website (there's an adorable one of the goat, sitting on a real CHAIR - go see). However, no joy in Australia until DECEMBER! Boo.

  8. I can't wait to see Where the Wild Things Are... and can't believe you spend your whole childhood without it {to be honest, it freaked me out as a kid, but i really appreciate it now-- so maybe you're better off!}!

    Hope your husband is better soon :)

  9. i was sure the memorized poem would be carroll's 'jabberwocky.' i could see your 8-year-old self reciting that one.

    i just read through 'where the wild things are' for the first.time today. that sentence incites rioting i know.

  10. i'm quite jealous that it's playing in the states soon and won't be in the uk until december!

  11. Loved Away We Go....I hope your broken husband gets fixed soon....

    I can still recite the preamble from the 8th grade....haha...

    Have a happy relaxing weekend!

  12. LOVE the new header. Feel better soon, N! And come back soon, C!

  13. Time on the couch w/ broken husband is top priority! Also, I read the linked poem and it seems you had a fine childhood :)

  14. Glad you're back and that Husband is getting better with the aide of his broom handle. x

  15. i want to see Away We Go and Where the Wild Things Are.

    your poor broken husband. ):

  16. So glad I stumbled on your lovely lovely blog today, it's always nice to find other blogger out and about on the net!

    I must tell you that I like like like your nice blog!

    Agneta & Sweden

  17. I've been enjoying Battlestar galactica in secret for years... You and I have this and Away we go AND a broken husband in common. I rather break anytime over attending to the needs of a broken husband.

  18. Just bought our tickets for Where the Wild Things Are. 12:01AM Friday!!

  19. This book kind of scared me as a kid, it was one of those easily scared kids.

    But I'm all grown up now! I can't wait for the movie, it looks flipping awesome!

  20. I am in love with the hand drawn font for WTWA!

  21. I wish I could have posters of some of those photo stills!

  22. Is broken husband better?
    Julie and Paul.

  23. I am SO excited to see that movie - and so is the hubs (who didn't read the book either, but I love him anyway) ;)

  24. ha ha! naughty. love Roald Dahl. love.


play nice.