Monday, May 17, 2010


Things I really meant to do in New York but kind of forgot:

take photographs

answer emails

buy beautiful shoes

buy beautiful anythings

be photographed by the Sartorialist

come home to find myself featured on all of those blogs that write about cute girls who have been photographed by the Sartorialist

sit in cafés reading books

wear sunscreen


* Boy and I, week 1.


  1. you coincided with us, though, which was downright lovely.

  2. ok but the real question is what are the things you didn't forget to do in NY?

  3. i forgot to reply to your email too and i wasn't even in new york.
    you're back, yay!

  4. I don't think the Sartorialist is in Noo York much these days judging by his posts, he's too much of a jet setter! You'll have to stalk him more determinedly.

    Cute dress :D

  5. How could you have not bought beautiful shoes? *tut*

    Hoping you had a smashing time anyway!

  6. As long as it was fun then who cares about things you're meant to do... Except perhaps the sun screen :)

  7. It appears that you had fun anyway....smiles.

  8. Sounds like you remembered the best bits.

    (But it's rather brilliant to have you back.)

  9. Hurrah! Welcome back!

    Maybe it would have been kinda tragic if you spent the whole time blogging instead of , you know, just BEING IN NEW YORK?

    You ate nice cake though, I hear?

  10. I think as long as you had a great time, that more than makes up for all the whoops. Welcome back!

  11. there's always too much to do.. besides it's good you haven't had time to blog.. that means you've been busy doing other stuff..

    this picture of you makes me laugh.. this is what i didn't find time to do in New York - sleep.. I became so tired there were tears! useless!

    welcome back x

  12. Sometimes the pictures you take with your eyes and your memory are even better.

    Love that dress in the photo :)

  13. I'm so glad you had a wonderful time (minus the no sunscreen incident). It's good to have you back, though. =)

  14. this post is too cute! I think I just fell in love with your blog!

  15. But then you wouldn't have been able to hear me sing vocals for "Living on a Prayer."

    Those a beautiful sheets.

    We loved meeting you two - what a joy. xoxox

  16. As long as you had a great time, it doesn't matter if you forgot those things ^^

  17. Would you be able to share where you found your apartment? We're going to NYC for a week later this year and would like to rent one, so any recommendation would be more than welcome!
    Looking forward to hearing more!!

  18. holidays always go this way.

  19. whenever i go on holidays i never end up doing all the things i planned on doing.
    especially taking photos
    i always tell myself i will take more photos and never actually do!
    sucks to see you got screwed around with the ash clouds :( hope your trip was amazing in the end!

  20. There's always the next trip. It sounds like you had a wonderful time, dear. I love the photos of the birds on the subway.



play nice.