Friday, October 15, 2010

my mother was a lion tamer

Almost. My mother was a veterinary nurse, it's similar. Replace lions with Rottweilers. And angry cats. And once there was an owl, I don't think he was angry though.

I would like to be a lion tamer.

I would also like this print by paulofnavrone, who also lives in Glasgow and whose mother did a lot of very interesting things.


  1. What a great print! I'm off to check out the shop :)

  2. Why did I think your mum was a lawyer? Clearly, she's a lady with mad skills.

  3. I love that his mother has a mustache, she has instantly become my hero. Also his work is fantastic, thank you for the introduction.

  4. rad. i wish i was a lion tamer.

  5. Yay for vet nurses turned lawyers. Similar skills and lots of rottweilers in both professions. Does this mean you had a strict mum and want to be a strict mum? Or does it just mean you want to be a lion tamer?

  6. i love that print too. i think owls by definition are rarely angry (unless you steal their mice)

  7. Just think in 20 or so years your girls will be telling people - my Mum and Dad are wedding photographers they create magical memories that people treasure for years and years.

    I think all mothers are lion tamers in one form or another.

  8. this makes me want a pet lion.

  9. haha, this is great. it reminds me of 'the tiger who came to tea', a childhood classic if ever there was one!

  10. Amazing!! And woah to the owl!! :D

  11. I think I'd be too scared to be a lion tamer. :(

  12. Cool print. Thanks for sharing.


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