Tuesday, September 06, 2011

peonies and.

Thought process: 
1. I'm bored.
2. My blog is boring.
3. I wonder how much attention anyone pays?
4. I like polarbears.
5. Hey! PolarBEARS is similar to PolarOIDS.
6. That's cool.
(the answer to #3 is anywhere between 2 weeks and 3 months.)



  1. I so totally noticed! It made me smile x

  2. I disagree with no.2. Your blog isn't boring. Polar bears are cool.

  3. Polar Bears = YES!
    Your blog is boring = NO!

  4. your thought process is about as logical as mine. Polar bears are indeed cool.

  5. I think we all noticed Peonies, just figured it was you being, well, you?! And your blog is not boring, I would miss it if it wasn't there!

  6. I noticed and it made me laugh...and your blog is far from boring xx

  7. Yeah I totally noticed, just didn't say anything because you didn't. It was like a big in-joke that nobody talked about!

  8. I did wonder, but I just guessed it was an injoke because as you say, 'Hey! PolarBEARS is similar to PolarOIDS.'

  9. I still click over as soon as you have a new post! NOT boring!

  10. I noticed too :) as soon as you changed it, but since you kept quiet about it, I didn't ask. I love your blog, even though it makes me feel like a stalker (I don't comment much, not to say never, but I love hearing about your new family life).

  11. Everything you write makes me laugh really hard!
    Please don't stop being a funny polarbear!

  12. 1. I don't pay enough to details. Must fix that.
    3. <3

  13. I love your blog, I love polarbears, it's all good

  14. I have been going through your blog for months, Monday to Friday. esp on Mondays, when I don't see a new post, I feel a bit disappointed. I am in love with your blog and your 2 little angels. :)

  15. I follow you on an RSS feed and so it didn't come up :-( I love your posts and gorgeous photos!

  16. Very similar-true-we all have random processes! And-I like your blog-so no more on that subject!

  17. I'm one of those quiet readers and have been lurking around for over a year. Your posts make me smile, and your blog is one of the few I actually love to read. From first word till last. Instead of scrolling down to pics only (which are the icing on the cake).
    Thank you! And keep posting!
    PS: <3 polar bears, too

  18. I love your blog! Completely obsessed with your photography!

  19. wait, when did that happen? now i feel like an ass.

    also, your blog is not at all boring. i struggle with the subject as well. although, i'm pretty sure mine truly is boring. or perhaps more weird and scatterbrained than boring. a lot like myself, actually.

  20. Oh I did notice :) And your blog is not boring. Just yesterday I was telling Mark how I love the way you write. And you already know that your pictures are breathtakingly beautiful.

  21. Your blog is not boring, especially when you post about those adorable babies.

  22. i love your blog.
    i check it everyday.
    and although it feels a bit odd to look at wedding pictures of complete strangers, i check lillianandleonard all the time too.
    your talent is inspiring.

  23. i still love your blog. always.

  24. Love your blog, your photos and those beautiful babies. My family and I drove through your town on our way to Oban last month and gave you a wave as we went over the bridge. Thanks from Texas.

  25. 1. I'm bored.
    2. I come to this blog when I am
    3. then... I'm not bored anymore
    we all have ups and downs... the lower you go, the harder you bounce back up!!

  26. Hahaha! Well, I'm not quite at 3 months yet, but I hope to go on for as long as you shall choose to write!

  27. Hey at least you post on your blog!

    And I love that photo. And you and your blog for your absolute unboringness (but you know that already right?)


  28. i'm another of those (verging on stalkerish) silent readers. i often go to comment, but then don't feel like i can say it as well as your other commenters, so i leave it. today i don't care, i want you to know that i too love your blog - it's the only 'personal' blog i read. and when/if i ever find a man who wants to marry me, you will be taking the photos. even if it costs as much as the rest of the wedding put together.

  29. girl, you crazy. i love your blog. it's not boring at all. keep on posting.

  30. well it used to be interesting.....until.....

  31. Thank you all so much for your lovely comments (and you anonymous, well I'm delighted you still continue to read, even though it bores you so.)

    To be clear, I wasn't ever planning on stopping, or even particularly thinking that my blog was *that* boring, just that *I* am a bit bored with it. And especially with the name (yawn).

    Anyway, thank (most of) you for being such sweet bears. I hearts you.

  32. Opposite of boring, I say.

  33. I totally noticed! I figured I'd just missed out on something! And I still love your blog. It's my homepage, so that I can check for new posts every time I come online!

  34. Yawn...stretch...sigh...yawn again... totally boring...thats' why I'm still here at the computer asleep from your last post.....waiting for your next one to pop up!!! Silly Peonies - even a Polar bear would come in from the cold to read your adventures!

  35. Fizzgig's filly8/9/11 11:15 am

    I read your blog every day and if you haven't posted I just scoot through the wedding pics.

    Definitely not boring.

  36. i love your blog :)


play nice.