Sunday, September 04, 2011

the last day.

On our last day in London we went to Kew Gardens. Notice how none of my pictures are of plants.  (The plants there are very nice though.) Instead we enjoyed what we knew would be our last lazy day together as a family for Quite Some Time. We walked and we talked, we carried Ammie who was Very Unhappy. We spotted planes (not hard, they fly 8 inches over your head every 3 bloody minutes), we admired eucalyptus and grass, fishes and crabs, we rolled and we lay and we delighted in a lack of dog poo and cigarette butts. We ate left over anniversary cake from Konditor and Cook, we rolled our eyes at the old people who were extraordinarily mean.  We smelled the roses and chased the peacocks, climbed spiralling staircases and looked down on a jungley world. 

 (photos by both of us.)


  1. beautiful photos and beautiful babies :)

  2. By the way: these are the posts we all love the most, about which we don't know what to say. Except soon I will be on one of those airplanes.

  3. Your blog is an honest delight. Thank you.

  4. Dear God woman. I am wholly in awe.

  5. Simply gorgy! And that one of N+E is so, so sweet.

  6. Shot of baby in the grass, open mouthed = me, open-mouthed, in awe. Lovely.

  7. Please come back soon and I will show you a secret (ish) quiet green place.

  8. I agree with Meg. No words...

  9. These make me smile really big.

    (Your hair is so long!)

  10. Your blog is amazing, so NOT boring. And your faimily is lovely. I'm following from Portugal so please keep up such good work :)

  11. These photos of your family are so beautiful they make my heart hurt.

  12. Why are the old people so mean when there are cute babies around?

  13. The picture of the girls on the grass leaning forward is simply adorable.

  14. You all have the sweetest family. You babes are simply adorable.

  15. how lucky your babies are to have such talented photographers as parents! x

  16. oh those babes! They're killing me!

  17. I lurf these pictures. So adorable. That is all.

  18. i wonder what babies say to fish, what fish say to babies.

    you have peacock hair, and i love it.

  19. I LOVE the picture of their two heads mirroring each other, and the last picture, which is just beautifully seen. Your girls are gorgeous subject matter, and obviously much adored.

  20. So cute!I really love babies. They are so cute on those pictures. :D


play nice.