Monday, February 09, 2009

a year in pictures, iii

i) september

a trip home, days at the beach with the dearest of friends, a plastic deer that can't fail to amuse every time I pass it by. dreams dreamt, dreams of an island one day, perhaps, being home once more....

j. october

a quiet month, barely a photo taken. a day at the park, a horse with a bald tail and breath that tickles my neck. pink truffles that look better than they taste...

k. november

winter sun, wildlife by the kitchen window, a wild and foul tempered beast given his annual hug. delicious things baked, for the first time in months...

l. december

new family, a cabin in the woods, frost and rain and a car that refuses to start. christmas, married, the first of many. presents given, brownies made. then eaten for breakfast. a year of such treats, such moments to be treasured....


  1. Oh lady, I love you. So much.

  2. More simply womderful

  3. Beautiful Photos! Brightens my morning. (it's very gray here)

  4. Gorgeous. That one of your lovely husband over the frost on the car roof was one of my favourites last year - it made me smile to see it reposted :)

  5. God, you are so talented! Pretty and talented. And creative. If I didn't love you I'd hate you (in the immortal words of Squeeze). xoxo, P.

  6. See, I don't see how you're not wildly confident in your photo abilitys. That sky shot in dec? Or the tea shot? Breathtaking.

  7. only you could make sugar and a box of truffles look that glamorous. your mind works so beautifully.

  8. I wish I had an eye like yours. Gorgeous photos, as always. I love the shot of the horse. Probably because I really want one. (Well, several, to be honest.)

    Also, I thought for half a second that the little plastic deer might be a jackalope, but I'm not sure you 'have' those in Scotland.

  9. wow. these pictures are really stunning.

    love, Emily

  10. i want to plaster my walls with your work.

  11. So pretty, I wish I could take pictures like you!

  12. These just made me stop breathing a little bit. My dreams aren't even this beautiful.

  13. Can I just say, I love the freshness and raw beauty of your blog?

    I am always encouraged and inspired when I stop by.

    It's just so lovely. Bottom line.

  14. Is it weird that the plastic deer is kind of my favorite?

  15. These are all so gorgeous. I want your camera. And your talent. And... your bunnies. Badly.

  16. I love your photos a lot. You gave me an inspiration, thanks ^ ^


play nice.