Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Big Baldy Bikers with Kittens...

Big baldy bikers with kittens, and puppies, who spend their own money rescuing kittens and puppies from bad peoples? Where can I get myself one of these big baldy bikers because I really really want one. Or maybe we could move to New York (I really wouldn't mind that at all) and I could rescue kittens with them and make them tea and polish their tattoos? Yes, I think that's a plan.

. photos from the NYTimes and Barry Bland


  1. oh this made me so happy!

  2. big tough men who are softies with animals are probably in my top 10 of favourite things.

  3. Yes. I think we have more bald bikers in the states then you have in Scotland. But I have to say, you'd miss Scotlands catankerous ways. (ok, you wouldn't really miss them in NYC).

  4. Tea lady and tattoo polisher... I like it.

    Gosh, they make those tiny furries look so cute.

  5. Don't you just love them? They are adorable - maybe even cuter than the puppies.

  6. I worked in a coffeeshop, back in the day, that saw several bad ass construction workers and bike riders who brought their kittens and puppies, with names like Pumpkin and Sugar, in on little embroidered silk pillows. I loved those guys.

  7. Men who love animals like this are absolutely a special breed.

  8. ...make them tea and polish their tattoos.

    You crack me up.

  9. Thank you for sharing this. I'll come with you to serve them tea, if I can play with the puppies.

  10. oh my goodness, this is amazing...thanks for posting...

  11. Tattoo polisher? <3

    Come to NYC! Do!

  12. omg that is the CUTEST thing ever!

  13. This is awesome! I have to tell everyone I know to check it out!!!!
    I want my own baldy biker too.

  14. Fantastic! They could rescue me anytime!
    I do hope they ride about on their roaring harleys with little kittens sticking out of their top pockets.I would die happy if I could see that!!


play nice.