Monday, June 08, 2009

merekats and muffins

Last week there was a birthday. The birthday involved pancakes and polecats, picnics and porcupines, muffins and marmosets, presents and piglets and a husband another year older. I like his new age, it's a pleasing number, very satisfying. I think he likes it too.

We also saw a raccoon who was terribly pretty, wild cats who were a little scary, a giant pig who was absolutely bloody terrifying, porcupines who were prickly and stripy and invited comparisons to a birthday boy's wife, otters who could have done with a little ritalin, great big huge bunnies the size of adolescent labradors, wee tiny monkeys with funny faces, pygmy crocodiles who really didn't look that pygmy to me, a hedgehog, dormice with furry tails, feisty chickens who liked to escape, a snowy owl or two, lemurs (I really loved them. King Julian is my favourite cartoon character of all time. He may in fact be my spirit animal incarnate) and lots of other fluffy things and furry things and scaly things and winged things and smelly things and noisy things and baby things and grumpy things and friendly things and scary things and things I wanted to steal away and put in my pocket beacuse I'm sure they and The Rabbit would get along just fine and and and and.... aminals galore.

Then we went and ate curry, yummy yummy south Indian curry. Lots of it. And then we came home, sleepy and tired and happy because there had been aminals and presents and food galore.

. images by me, except the last one 'cause he has longer arms


  1. Happy Birthday to Mr Peonies!

  2. Happy bday to the Boy! And is this the first time we've seen your smiling face in non wedding shots? Maybe not. But it seems like its been too long. How delightful to see you! and the animals. oh dear the animals.

  3. Happy birthday Boy! Sounds like a perfect celebration, I feel like curry now... yum. Love your big big cheesy smile, I inevitably look just like that when BB's long arm is in operation!

  4. Happy birthday to Mr Peonies! Sounds like a fab day!

  5. the feathers on that hen look.. enchanting. great shot!

  6. you should have stolen that lemur.

  7. happy birthday!!! cute and adorable shots - I really love that fuzzy wuzzy chicken

  8. sounds like a fun day! happy birthday to the boy (cute pics too!)

  9. Happy Birthday Boyo! And you two are perhaps the cutest couple ever. Which I am sure is in no way your aspiration but it had to be said...

  10. You're hilarious. Also, I agree with Celia - you should've stolen the lemur.

    Love the last picture. =)

  11. Ilovethezoo. I love you guys.

  12. Aw! Happy birthday to The Boy!!

    My Mr. and I went to the zoo for my b-day last year -- so much fun.(But then we had Mexican food. There's more of that in Southern California than curry.)

  13. That meerkat photo (right? the third one?) is absolutely perfect! And sounds like your day was as well. Birthday greeting to The Boy!

  14. I need a fluffy chicken and a pig's nose of my very own. Many happy returns to The Boy. Love the picture of you two.

  15. Way too cute, the animals, the lovebugs. If this woman is you, i want your skin. Literally.

  16. Oh boy do I love me some meerkats. Happy belated Mr. Peonies!

  17. wonderful photos. sounded like a very magical pleasure-filled birthday.

    i'm so glad i found you again, i have been thinking about your blog recently!

    i've made a shop, come see -

  18. Beautiful pic of your two lovebirds...

  19. Such cuteness and fuzziness and yumminess was experienced! Yay! Happy Birthday to T.B.

  20. i know you will never see this comment, because i'm leaving it so long after the post date, but i was so surprised to see a post about a birthday person going to the zoo on june 2nd, because i did the exact same thing! i turned 27 on june 2nd and my rather new-ish husband took me to the zoo for my big day. mr. peony and i were a bit like mirror images that day. except we live in philadelphia and i'm sure he turned a much more pleasing age that day.

    if you're curious at what we saw, here was my post about our zoo date:


play nice.