Friday, August 28, 2009

shit his dad says...

Do you tweet? If you do you really need to follow this guy. And maybe give him a book deal, if you know how to do that.

(his dad's 73. That makes this shit funny, not just obnoxious.)


  1. I'm setting here with tears in my eyes from laughing so hard. Thanks for sharing that. I will be following him on twitter.

  2. holy mackerel i am laughing my booty off!!!! thanks so much for sharing this!!!

  3. i don't tweet, but this is HILARIOUS. the toilet one has got to be the best one!

  4. HA. you made my stomach hurt, I'm laughing so hard, especially the first one about the dog. someone definitely needs to get him a book deal.

  5. HA! Listen, between the music, this guy's twitter account AND the buns, oh AND the cute stuffed animals, your poo days should be improving, no? I know you've improved my funk, for sure, so thank you.
    I'll have to pass this on to the husband. I know he'll get a kick out of it - it's brilliant.

  6. Wow. I went over and read more on his twitter - funny, but at the same time, I feel sorry for the family. The dad may be old, but he IS totally obnoxious! :P

  7. I've managed to stay away from Twitter up until now, but am now going to have to sign up to follow this guy. Brilliant.

    PS Albert, my whippet, agrees about the backyard.

  8. It cracked me up to find this. It also cracked me up to see that he has thousands and thousands of followers but he only follows one... LeVar Burton.

  9. that twitter account is BY FAR my favorite

  10. Haha! He's hilarious dude. You had me at the dog one.

  11. I just added him. hilarious!!

  12. heehee...i'm not a big fan of twitter, but this...this is hilarious! thanks for sharing this with us.


play nice.