Tuesday, September 08, 2009

inside dreams

Where do people go to when they die?

Somewhere down below or in the sky?
'I can't be sure,' said Grandad, 'but it seems
They simply set up home inside our dreams.'

. words, Inside Our Dreams, by Jeanne Willis
. photograph, me and my Granda. circa 1985


  1. such a sweet photograph. grandparents are the best.

  2. that's a beautiful picture. Isn't it funny how it always look sunnier in old photos? ;)

  3. He's adorable. And so are you, of course.

    Hope you're doing well.

  4. sweet photo, sweet poem too. I still like to think they're on the biggest cloud I can find.

  5. Oh, makes me miss my grandpa. He was so special. I never thought about it until I was an adult, how I'd always find shiny coins on the ground each time we went out for a stroll together, and how he must have placed them there when I wasn't looking. I just thought I was lucky when we were together. Well, that's grandpa love.

  6. 'In my father's house are many rooms;if it were not so I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you,I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am'
    John 14:2-3

  7. Now there's a book I'm going to have to read. It is a book isn't it?

  8. It sure is - it's in the New Testament

  9. What a picture! This probably sounds weird but I can't wait to be a grandparent.


play nice.