Monday, January 25, 2010

a year in pictures, xi

j. november

I'm not sure what I was doing in November but I definitely wasn't taking pictures. I think I was dreaming (I'm usually dreaming) and I think I was planning and plotting and wishing for a little shop of my own. A real one, made from bricks and windows and wooden floors, filled by uniquities made by hand, with love. I pressed my nose up against shutters, gazed at phone numbers on 'to let' signs and whispered my dreams to my husband in those quiet moments before the pictures roll. Dreams of flying high.

(do you love my birdy? Isn't she plump and pretty and beautiful? Doesn't she fly so high? She was made by Flora May of Through the Round Window and sent to me in the summer. I'm a little in love with her red baby valentines bird...)


  1. Have you been to that little tea shop in Balquhidder? I sort of want something with that vibe, a bit like "Labour and Wait," but with a mix of vintage toys and new ones, but classic. Bamboo hoops and big red india rubber balls and glass marbles.

    I may dream on for now!

  2. love your dreams. hope they come true

  3. been enjoying your site for a few months now (thanks!) and i thought you might like this sketch..

  4. Aiee! My bird! Thanks - you have taken a very pretty picture of it!

    Your shop sounds like the kind of place I could spend some money in.


play nice.