Monday, August 23, 2010

Things no one tells you about pregnancy, 2

That people will touch your stomach and you might actually like it.

(Not strangers, when they touch your stomach you are stunned and slightly horrified. And when those strangers are guests at a wedding you're working at you have no idea at all how to react so you just bare your teeth in what you hope looks like a smile and back away as quickly as you can. Sometimes right into a cocktail waiter.)

But when the people are people you know and love, it feels kind of nice. Like they're entranced by the magic that is your ginormous belly and they want to absorb some of it. Some do it with affection, some with awe, some with a touch of fear and others with complete reverence. Some reach out as if they're about to touch it then stop and hover, an inch or so away, not sure if it's ok to go any further. Sometimes I find myself sticking it out a little, reached towards the outstretched hands. Not unlike a dog who wants his head scratched. The hands of those I love are drawn irrepressibly to my belly and my belly is drawn irrepressibly to the hands of those I love. And I kind of like it.

*there's been some significant pressure round these parts for some 'pregnancy' pictures of me and let me tell you now, it's probably not going to happen. I'm too exhausted and look too much like shit to pose for pictures and N's too exhausted and too busy fixing our house to take them on the fly. But to paint a picture for you: I'm huge and spotty, nearly always to be found in leggings with food on them, most likely a fortnight past the stage where my hair should have been washed and I have a perma-scowl exactly like the kid in my last blog post.

* image by Wake the Sun


  1. Good for you! no one.....I repeat no one should have to pose for photos when pregnant, unless they want to.....smiles.

  2. Aww I really liked this post :)

  3. Keep going! Really looking forward to more picture posts when you have the chance, no request for baby belly here though!
    Really enjoying the blog, just popped in to say so :)



    (And? They *are* entrancing. They are the closest things most of us ever come to miracles and magic.)

  5. I'm one of those fearful people when it comes to pregnant bellies. I kind of want to touch them and then get afraid that the owner will hate it and therefore me and so hover and shy away. I touched my sister's when the bubba kicked and it felt so wierd so I kind of squealed and giggled. But it is amazing and awesome and I can't wait to have my own to rub and parade one day.

  6. i am terrified to touch baby bellies.

  7. Loved this post. Especially the mental image of you. :-)

  8. I too enjoyed people I knew touching the belly. I am normally not a touchy person but it felt like a nice shared experience; sending good vibes to baby that the world is full of people excited to meet you. I didn't have many strangers try to touch me thank god but now the poor kid is a magnet for random baby-touchers. The other night we were shopping and without even a hello some lady came up and started squeezing her little thighs as she was sitting in the cart. I understand that chubby baby thighs are very compelling but come on. I'm thinking about telling people she bites so they don't man-handle her.

  9. You are fantastic! Thanks for sharing so much with us.

  10. I'm one of those people who reaches out my hand and then retreats just in case - only with people I know. Why do people think it is ok to touch pregnant bellies. It isn't ok to touch my non pregnant belly - it is called assault!

  11. I wish I'd been less camera-shy when I was all round and tweedledumish. Didn't feel like being in a picture at the time, but it'd be nice to look back on now.

    Hehe. Belly rubs.

  12. i'm of the mind that no one should pose for shots unless they feel as though they want - just like those strangers that want to touch belly but shouldn't without permission.

    and i'm also in the school that the only acceptable phrase to say to a woman is "look how beautiful you are" with no remarks about due dates, weight gain or anything.

    bollocks to rude people.

  13. This was a beautifully, beautifully written post, P. x

  14. I love touching friends' baby bellies. I'm the one who starts to touch, then I hover, then I ask for permission. :)

  15. well hopeful you are taking at least a few for yourSELVES. <3


play nice.