Wednesday, June 29, 2011

where we been and where we going

We've been home. ('Home' being the island I grew up on. I still call it 'home' even though it's not any more.)There was boats and sea and fishing and eating fishes and walking in the woods and lots of little girls in a bath and catching up with friends and making our brains ache trying to think of a way that we could live there and still do what we do.   
Tomorrow we are going to London. Where maybe we want home to be. It's all very confusing. There will be trains and cafes and Italian food and my first ever hen party and a house with a garden and catching up with friends.  
There probably won't be much blogging. But you're used to that by now.  
That whole 'weekly' thing didn't work out so well, huh?  In brief we are : busy, tired, barely seeing each other, photographing weddings (AMAZING weddings), travelling, exhausted.  The babies are: loud, rolling, trying to crawl (A), enjoying teeth (E), stealing (and eating) post it notes, throwing food, scowling.
* photos by the boy. 


  1. You are so beautiful and so are your off-spring :) Thank you for sharing, this has brightened my day :)

  2. I expect to want to move to the island permanently when we visit in a few weeks. That always happens to me - I visit somewhere and want to move there for life. Beautiful photos of beautiful people and sprogs - thanks x

  3. Ah, the beautiful Scottish islands. A few friends of mine are moving to Colonsay later this summer and part of me is sooo jealous - what an amazing place for their children to grow up!

  4. haha i love that you have your sweater buttoned around your babies. true love right there :)

  5. London you say?

    Perhaps I could come and say hello?

  6. you grew up on an ISLAND? that is so awesome.

    i want to go to london. maybe i could help with the babies.

  7. Your pictures are lovely! And, coincidentally, I just got back from London! Tell it hello for me!

  8. Is this the same baby 3 times or is it the other one too?

    Enjoy London.

  9. this is all wrong, p. you're supposed to be moving to california. duh.

    also, i love you. all of you.

  10. Hey Ps 'n Ps, long time no see...oh, I MUST pinch that baby...must...pinch...I promise I'll do it lightly!!! OMG but is he adorable.

    Mel at yourweddingwhisperer

  11. Those first two photos KILL me.

    And home that isn't home but still is. Home. Some of us are used to using that term somewhat promiscuously now. But still really meaning it wherever it applies.

  12. @Anna, yes please! Email me...

    @Miss Pickering, same baby.

    @east side, it's a dress. But now I want leopard pants. Thanks a lot.

  13. unbelievably cute baby...and I envy you the island holiday...have a fab time in London!

  14. I love the colours that Nye gets in photos. (or is that the islands?)

    and yay, London!

  15. I want to eat these pictures. They are the best, best, best, best, best.

  16. Beautiful. That 2nd photo is particularly delicious.

    Enjoy London!

  17. Everything looks lovely!!!


play nice.