Friday, March 09, 2012

France, continued

Yellow slides, bare vines, woolly hats, soft heads. 

Blue skies, warm walls, crispy berries, pink shoes.

Golden light, silent churches, yellow birds, empty chairs. 

Closed cafes, drawn shutters, quiet beaches, 

Did you know that they close France in the winter? Nothing is open. At first it's kind of cool and then after a few days you just really want some lunch and to see that view from the top of the cathedral that the guidebook promises is spectacular. 

The vines are bare. In September they were aching with fruit, huge purple grapes dusted in an icing sugar bloom, dripping into your hands as you passed the vines. In February there are only the bones of grapes, occasional skeletons left unburied among the endless rows. I love bare vineyards, they have a hint of the war cemetery about them, rows of graves marked by dead sticks. Except they're not. Dead, that is. They're resting, give them time and they will burst into life again. 

Also, baby horses. With long, spindly legs and fluffy heads. That's all. 



  1. The little toes amidst so many beautiful things. I have to recover. Also please write a book for my table. Thank you.

    1. I thought you might like the toes! Write me a proposal and I'll write you a book. That's the bit I'm stumped by.

    2. There's a writing and yoga weekend at Moniack Mhor. I thought of you, but it's expensive and they wouldn't let the babies in.

    3. That sounds amazing! If only there was a Granny nearby to look after them for a week....

    4. Yes, please! Any time. x

  2. You take me to happy places when I need it the most. Thank you for making the world more beautiful.
    From a sometimes exhausted mother of two in Sweden

    1. You're very welcome. Two children is very exhausting. VERY.

  3. Your life is so photogenic. May I please come with you to France?

    1. Of course. And I only photograph the pretty bits, there's a lot of it that really wouldn't make such nice pictures.

    2. (my life, that is. Not France.)

  4. The girls are getting so big! And these are just so gorgeous.

  5. These are so beautiful they are making me feel homesick... but that's good, I haven't felt that in a while. It's a healthy homesickness! So thank you.

    1. you're welcome! Where in France are you from?

    2. I'm from Paris but spent most of my school holidays with my grand-parents in the south near Toulon... They are my best memories x

  6. France is beautiful, even when closed. Fab pictures and gorgeous bubs (including my bub) xx

  7. Beautiful words and pictures. Such a joy to just look at the light and the beautiful bubbies and just everything. Thank-you.

  8. how completely wonderful.

  9. these photos are ridiculous! a good way x


play nice.