Thursday, April 24, 2014

Shit guys. I think you might have breathed a few more months of life into this place. Thank you. 

copyright, Landor's Cat Studies. 


  1. The internet wouldn't feel right without you.

  2. Hurrah! I am glad. I also really enjoyed reading the comments on your last post too, you have some very insightful readers. I particularly loved " you smiled at my baby but I didn't want to freak you out" I thought that was so touching.

    Jolly good. Onwards with the despair and faeces please.

    1. That was one of my favourites too! I'm so overwhelmed by all of the comments, I keep sitting down to reply to them all but OVERWHELMED.

    2. Really? I may stalk you next time (baby in tow, of course, he is the cute one).
      PS: Weeee!

  3. I'd high five you but I'm really uncoordinated and always manage to stuff up high fives.

  4. I like reading the comments here as much as I like your blog. They're like that sweet spot that surprises you when the credits roll at the end of a movie, and if you sit long enough, a little film post script appears ... Cheers to blog CPR! Such good people reading your blog. X

  5. *sigh of relief* yay yay yay ;)


play nice.