Monday, May 09, 2011

This camera phone thing.









{peaches and creams}

{mama + bubbie}

{blue monkey}




{blue eyes}

Like I said in my update to my last post, I got myself my very first camera phone last month. I'm inordinately in love with it. Yes I'm a photographer, yes I have big fancy cameras that cost A Lot Of Money and yes I shouldn't really love crappy, small, clichéd vintage-effect jpegs, but I do.  Snapping away over the last month has satisfied me in a way that taking photos with my big ole' SLR hasn't done for years. 
The phone I bought is...well....let's just say it's no iphone.  The camera's pretty rubbish.  But I downloaded an app called Retro Camera which I love. It has 5 different camera options and makes pretty decent little pictures.  I particularly love the polandroid and pinhole features.  Sure they don't quite have that magic something that actual polaroid or pinhole pics do but equally they don't cost me £1.50 each or take hours to set up and process.  So I'm sold.  

Legal Shiz: Whoever made Retro Phone app isn't paying me for this post.  No one ever pays me for posts and I will never accept payment or products in return for writing posts.  However I have absolutely no issues with accepting thank you gifts. Just saying.  

(the subjects: ella, ella, ella, ella, ammie, ammie, ammie, ammie, ammie, ammie + ella, ella.) 


  1. SWEET!....smiles.

  2. helforpink9/5/11 7:53 pm

    Lovely pictures - gorgeous bubs

  3. Well, with such adorable subjects bad photos are impossible.

    I love my phone camera, even if I'm terrible at using it. My once undocumented life has leapt into full on technicolour.

  4. I'm getting a camera phone that actually accepts apps next month and I'm so excited!!!

    Also, yesterday was Mother's Day in the States (though not in Scotland, right?... it's in March there, isn't it?) but anyways, I was thinking of you and your beautiful babies and hope you had a good Sunday!

  5. Cutie pies! Love the peaches and cream!

    You really know you're a new mother when taking time to read a magazine feels decadent or self indulgent... or do you mean the content is decadent? haha...

    x claire

  6. Beautiful, goodness!!!

  7. Peaches & creams and blue eyes! Oh, the cheeks. I could eat them up.

    (Phone cameras can be SO much more convenient than actual cameras sometimes. The only way my phone photos don't look utterly crap is if I use an app, since the camera is not so great.)

  8. You have the prettiest complexion ever.

    and your babies are perfect.



play nice.